This was one of the best teaching experiences I ever had. The trainer managed extremely well to motivate, inspire and inform/teach me the important points. Clearness, humor, speed and expression made it a pleasure to listen. He was cool, entertaining … just excellent. There should be more professors like him.
I had no education related to economics, only an introductory class in college, but this was the most amazing class I have ever experienced from a teacher, of all classes I had. If a teacher like Dr. Deonaraine had taught me earlier, maybe I would have pursued this field.
I am an economics major and I learned more about the real world from this class than I learned from all my economics courses in college. A brilliant teacher who is deeply concerned about the real world! Did a phenomenal job of letting us see how economic occurrences affect financial markets.
Perhaps the most brilliant training I have ever experienced. He did a superb job of fleshing out the important concepts and making the abstract concrete.
I found him truly motivating. I have studied economics and work in economic research but have never had someone shed such an interesting light on the topic. Wish this part of the course was longer. Thank you very much.
Dr. Deonaraine’s strongest characteristic is the clarity with which he conveys the material. He also has a very distinct sense of humor.
Was very impressed with the entire session. He is a great communicator and teacher.
An amazing lecturer indeed! I am very inspired by how Dr. Deonaraine not only teaches us the practical knowledge of economics, but also pointing out that economics is a thinking tool—a systematic way of analyzing a problem and reaching solutions form a wide variety of perspectives and considerations. Inspiring insights. Able to capture our attention throughout the whole day of lecture. Humorous.
The best teacher of macroeconomics I have ever had. Gave us meaningful insights in what data tell us.
He was very expert and you can see his passion for the subject. He delivered rather difficult subject clear enough so we could understand.
Great skills. What a teacher! Very well informed, very personable, great speaker, he did a great job.
Great instructor and teacher. I wish I had had him for undergrad.
Was born to be a teacher. Excellent at breaking ideas into key components.
I would have loved him to be my professor in college. Well informed, communicates with enthusiasm, has a great sense of humor.
Excellent ability to keep subject matter interesting. Sharp, very much to the point, easily understandable.
Took away more from him in 2 days than I got from 3 semesters of econ in college. Very concise and filled with practical examples. Very clear in bringing across his message and reinforcing key ideas. This has been the most value-adding presenter we’ve had thus far. Dr. Deonaraine is gifted! I love his jokes. He is very articulate in the subject matter. He brought complex topics down to the level of the class. He explained things very clearly and practically. He was very willing to address our questions both during class sessions and during breaks. I would love to have spent more time with Dr. Deonaraine.
I probably learned more economics in these two days than I learned in school. The connection of macroeconomics fundamentals to markets was made very clear. I found the trainer’s stress on verbal reasoning very, very useful. Responded very well to questions and definitely kept us engrossed.
His knowledge of the subject was so great—he managed to bring up concepts and ways of thinking about things I never thought of before. He was able to communicate some pretty complicated ideas extremely clearly.
He loves the subject and it shows. He uses humor to get across his message which helps. Very approachable. Dr. Ramesh should be hired to train all our employees.
His enthusiasm for economics is contagious. Speaks engagingly and aids students by making them formulate their thoughts and then providing feedback. Very approachable.
I wish I had an econ teacher of this quality and passion in college.
A phenomenal trainer and knowledge base. Extremely well-informed and teaches relevant and practical material very well. Extremely articulate, well-spoken, and an excellent communicator. Very composed.
Dr. Deonaraine is extremely articulate and has the unique ability to communicate complex subjects in easily understood terms. I felt Dr. Deonaraine was extremely bright, and conducted a class that was interesting, thought provoking, informative, as well as humorous, at times!
I really liked this session. Despite the fact that I’ve taken Economics before I still feel that I’ve learned a lot and was able to put things in perspective. The trainer knew how to teach effectively and how to give practical examples, and use humor to get people involved in the discussion. It was very interesting to learn and see how the course is structured. I really do wish we had more time and that there were more professors like him. Kept my attention throughout a long and rigorous seminar. Extremely good at understanding and answering questions. Inserted great analogies/stories to hold my attention and explain technical terms better. Receptive at reading student reactions. Excellent job at covering such a broad topic in a short period of time. The trainer did an amazing job of presenting an extensive amount of info. in the time allotted. He asked for feedback often, and was genuinely engaged with the questions raised. He was very open to queries, was non-judgmental in approach, yet offered opinions freely. Very useful, very practical, more useful than a lot of my econ. classes. Very clear with humorous comments that helped keep it lively and entertaining. Very easy to ask questions and communicate with. Dr. Deonaraine put the most essential economic concepts into practical terms that someone without a financial background like myself could understand. He had great energy and kept the topic interesting throughout. This was an excellent refresher course for me. I studied economics in college and this really brought back a lot of information for me. Nice jokes interspersed with lecture demonstrated ability to keep class engaged even when tired. Although I had extensive background in the macroeconomics he discussed, I found Ramesh’s explanations easy to understand and elegantly delivered. Clear, well spoken. Use of humor to maintain audience attention throughout long talk. Approachable. Enjoyed talking to him during breaks. If time would have allowed, it would have been great to consider some more international cases. Very effective in giving us background into the economic forces that shape today’s marketplace. Prof. Deonaraine communicated very well—he was clear, precise. Engaged those in class for Q/A—willing to answer any type of question. Concise but in-depth. I was an econ. major but had forgotten quite a few things so it was helpful. Liked in particular the Japan and Euro sections, though we were all tired after 7 hours. Very captivating, great explanations. Will be very helpful to have the packet [given out in class] to refer back to. Jokes and quotes helped keep it interesting. A great job of touching many different principles and issues that should be helpful to us immediately. Given the time constraint, the amount of insight provided was impressive. Covered broad topics very well and simplified difficult areas well. Kept presentation informative and well paced. Great dynamic with the audience. Very well organized and explained given the time constraint. Very engaging, given the fact that students were sitting for so long. Not boring. The course was very good and informative. It touched on all of the appropriate topics relevant to my situation. Excellent examples and sharing experiences. Excellent humor and quality of examples. Very easy to understand—put the info. in layman’s terms very well. Great effort. Very professional. Good use of current affairs. Good jokes. Personable. Very approachable and open. As good as it gets.
Very clear, concise explanation of relevant economic issues that could help us do our jobs. Very clear communicator of even sometimes complex issues. Abundance of stories and anecdotes really drive story home. Funny, articulate, good storyteller, very, very, very, responsive and attentive to everyone’s questions. Great job!!! I learned a lot.
Really enjoyed his style of teaching. Economics has never been more relevant. Broad and in depth knowledge. Able to keep explanations simple yet interesting. Sense of humor made learning fun and interesting.
I think the information conveyed was very comprehensive but easy to understand even to somebody relatively inexperienced in economics like myself. Dr. Deonaraine has an excellent knowledge of the topic and effectively communicates that to the class. He responds to people’s questions in a professional, friendly way.
Very informative and littered with interesting anecdotes and real life incidents which made the talk interesting and informative.
Kept us engaged and extremely helpful in answering questions. Excellent explanations and very entertaining.
Very engaging, Easy to understand, no-nonsense approach to relevant economic topics. Extraordinary presence. Very approachable outside the classroom.
Has an excellent style and deep contemporary and historic knowledge. Simply excellent.
Really showed what was important to know about macro-economics and how it affects us as bankers.
Even with a Bachelor's in Economics, I felt I learned a lot about market economics and its applicability to the stock market.
Was very easy to follow and presenter's enthusiasm for economics and the demonstrated relevance in day-to-day life/business life. He was extremely helpful and knowledgeable.
The instructor was able to cover all of the most relevant macroeconomics topics making them both very easy to understand and linking them all together into a "key" that we can use to read and interpret reality and the implications for our work of real-world events.
The instructor had profound knowledge of the subject and it was well communicated to the audience.
He demonstrated an amazingly thorough understanding of the material and was able to use this knowledge when answering questions.
He was very knowledgeable. I enjoyed his session very much.
Dr. Ramesh Deonaraine is extremely savvy on the material he covered (and I suspect on other subjects as well).
Fantastic- amusing and kept audience interest yet clear.
Apart from the clarity of delivery, Dr. Deonaraine kept the class involved all the time through his greatly engaging teaching style. His occasional side remarks were particularly entertaining. He was the most engaging thus far. I really enjoyed how he made the concepts simple and how he tied everything together.
He is one of the best economics lecturers I have ever had. Fantastic lecturer.
The teacher experience is amazing and well shared. He really knew what he was talking about and was funny.
Very well versed in the subjects and did a very good job of explaining it in a basic way so everyone can understand.
The instructor provided a great overview of general concepts and aspects of market economics that has provided a great backdrop for the rest of the program.
Dr. Deonaraine did a great job in explaining difficult concepts in a way that was easy to grasp and understand.
Ramesh's knowledge and passion for economics was extremely impressive.
Dr. Deonaraine's knowledge of the content is very extensive, and he does an excellent job of sharing that knowledge.
He made complex ideas very easy to understand and showed how important they will be to us as investment bankers.
Dr. Deonaraine had an exemplary knowledge of macroeconomics and, more importantly, the impact that macro has on changes in the financial markets.
As an econ major, I was skeptical of how useful it would be for me. However I found it to be far more practical than the courses I took as an undergrad.